One of the most-asked questions about breast augmentation is how to select the right pair of implants. Dr. A.J. Khalil, MD closely consults with every patient to determine her individual goals and recommend suitable implants.

Here, he discusses some factors that matter when choosing breast implants.


As you evaluate your implant choices, it can be very helpful to think about your lifestyle and occupation. Are you an athlete or do you like high-intensity workouts or long runs? Do you work in a physically demanding job? If so, you should probably avoid selecting oversized implants, as they may not be conducive to your lifestyle.


Think about your personality — are you outgoing and like receiving attention for your looks? Or are you easily embarrassed by stares and compliments? Would you like people to notice your augmented breasts, or do you prefer to fly under the radar?


Your anatomy is very important when picking out implants — particularly your height, body shape, chest width and amount of natural breast tissue. If you are petite or have a narrow chest, you are somewhat limited in the size of implants that will be comfortable on your body. If you are taller and have a more voluptuous physique, you may have to pick bigger implants to see a noticeable difference.

Stage in Life

Although it can be tricky to predict how you will feel down the line, try to imagine yourself in five or 10 years. Will you be happy with your choice?

Schedule a Consultation with Our Breast Augmentation Surgeon

Dr. Khalil is your best resource when narrowing down your breast implant choices. After learning more about your lifestyle, personality and goals, he can recommend options that are likely to give you the results you want (without pressuring you to make any decisions). Dr. Khalil can answer any questions you have about implant size or type and show you photographs of previous patients who had body types and goals similar to yours. This is very helpful to visualize the general result you can expect.

To schedule a breast augmentation with Dr. Khalil, please call or email our office today.