Women choose to have breast procedures for a variety of reasons, but one thing most share is a desire to understand what the recovery entails.

The details of the recovery process vary depending on the specific procedure. Dr. Khalil always provides aftercare instructions and follow-up care for the best patient experience and outcomes possible. Here he provides a few tips to help prepare you for your recovery.

Breast Augmentation Recovery

After breast augmentation, patients are monitored for the first few hours. The breasts are covered with gauze during initial recovery. Wearing a surgical bra for the first couple weeks after recovery can help reduce swelling. Also, avoid underwire bras for at least six weeks.

Upon returning home, experiencing some swelling and soreness during the first few recovery weeks is common. Try not to worry about this and be aware that the breasts may appear high initially, but as skin stretches your new breasts will settle into their natural position! Dr. Khalil will discuss exercise restrictions and time off during your initial consultation. It is important for you to rest and follow doctor’s orders for the most beautiful and effective results. Avoiding heavy lifting and full-immersion bathing during recovery is also recommended.

Recovering after Breast Lift

Breast lift results should be immediately visible post-procedure. It is important to be patient as your body adjusts to your new breasts. You will experience some bruising and swelling that may conceal the full effect, which will be clearly visible about two months after surgery. After a year, the breasts will be fully settled into their final position.

If you hope to breastfeed in the future, talk to Dr. Khalil during your surgical planning process. Dr. Khalil will choose the surgical technique that’s least likely to interfere with breastfeeding.

Recovering From a Breast Reduction Procedure

A breast reduction surgery also requires a few hours of post-surgery observation before your return home. Pain medication can help with discomfort and bruising. Dr. Khalil will recommend around two weeks off from work and six to eight weeks away from exercise; however, short walks are recommended to aid circulation and recovery.

Swelling and bruising will largely subside within a few weeks but can take three to four months to fully resolve. Dr. Khalil advises patients to stay hydrated, wear the provided compression garment, and avoid underwire bras, which can irritate and delay healing.

Recovering After Breast Revision

The breast revision surgery recovery process is similar to the breast augmentation recovery process. Some swelling, bruising discomfort and similar time off work and exercise are required. Plan ahead for time off from work, school or heavy physical tasks and enlist helpers if possible.

Attentive post-surgical follow-up care will be provided, and Dr. Khalil remains available for questions during the recovery process. Be sure to communicate any concerns or questions to ensure an effective and stress-free recovery!

Recovering From Breast Implant Removal

Bruising and swelling are also common for patients to experience after a breast implant removal procedure. As much rest as possible is recommended. Women can return to light activity and work within two weeks or when they begin to feel like themselves again. Do not resume normal activities before your body feels ready! This can prolong your recovery time.

How to Learn More

Remember that every woman’s body and healing processes are unique, and individual recovery times may vary. Listening to your body and pain levels, not rushing recovery, avoiding strenuous activity during initial recovery weeks, and in general following post-surgical recommendations will allow you the healthiest and most satisfying experience possible. We are happy to answer your questions about whether breast procedures may benefit you. To schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Khalil, or to find out more about cosmetic surgery, please contact our office.