Historically the overwhelming majority of plastic surgery patients have been women. But according to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 1.3 million cosmetic procedures were performed on men last year, the most popular procedures being eyelid surgery, liposuction, nose reshaping and breast reduction.

Read on as Dr. A.J. Khalil, a plastic surgeon serving Beverly Hills and beyond, shares his thoughts about why more men are pursuing cosmetic treatment.

A Boost in Confidence

Perhaps due to the rise of “selfies” in social media or the swipe-right, swipe-left nature of dating apps, men and women are more critical of their appearance than ever. A shift in social norms means that men are more comfortable than they used to be pursuing plastic surgery to improve features that make them self-conscious.

Whether it’s male breast reduction to treat gynecomastia (a swelling in breast tissue due to hormonal fluctuations), eyelid surgery to remove under-eye bags or liposuction to get rid of a beer belly, plastic surgery helps men feel more confident in themselves.

A More Youthful Look

Men today are working longer and later in life, and for many, it’s important to keep up a youthful appearance in a competitive workplace. Non-surgical treatments like Botox injections and fillers or surgical procedures like facelift can soften signs of aging and create an energetic, enthusiastic appearance that helps build confidence.  

Technology Is Better than Ever

Men place a high value on speed and efficiency. Thanks to advances in technology, today’s surgical and non-surgical cosmetic treatments offer quick, natural-looking results. Surgery can be performed through small incisions leaving scars that are barely noticeable, and depending on the procedure, most men can return to work and their normal obligations within a week or two.

What Do You Hope to Achieve?

No matter what you hope to achieve from plastic surgery, please keep one thing in mind: the experience of the person performing your surgery is critical. Make sure that you select a board-certified plastic surgeon that has many years of experience with your desired procedure and who performs it on a regular basis (i.e., dozens of times per month as opposed to a few times a year). Your safety and well-being are ultimately what’s most important!

To request a consultation with Dr. Khalil, please call or email our office today.